School Trips


German History
Creative Berlin
Social Conflicts


Berlin – an educational field trip

On this homepage you will find a range of topics and themes we recommend as a basis for Your Berlin seminar.  We aim to show you the whole of Berlin’s fascinating, ambiguous and often quite contradictory diversity, and to sharpen your sensibility for its every day existence and thereby demolish and correct false clichés.

Our extensive contacts to a variety of initiatives, projects and administrative agencies will give you an opportunity to talks and interviews with their respective staff.  In combination with our excursions and explorations of the municipal quarters we can provide an exciting blend of individual experience and knowledgeable guidance.

We offer seminars for every type of school and every age class.

The navigation bar will lead you to detailed descriptions of our major themes:

  • German History

  • Berlin  - German  capital and seat of government

  • Creative Berlin

  • A focus on social tensions in Berlin

There is of course no limit on the variety of topics.  We try to cover all areas of individually expressed interest.  The broad topical approaches will give you the opportunity to discover and experience Berlin in all of its many aspects:  social, political, economic, cultural and ecological.  There will be no abstract theorizing nor a passive consumption of facts but a mutually involving conspiracy to let the city get under your skin.

Further suggestions you can also find under the heading “Berlin – On location”

We also organize special seminars for older students based on selected topics from the fields of politics, ideological philosophies and religions, history, literature and science that will be explored in depth over several days.  As well as the city excursions we will provide seminar rooms and knowledgable lecturers.

 PDF download Brochure (only German, translation will come soon)

 PDF download Organisation und Kosten einer Berlinfahrt (only German, translation will come soon)


Copyright © 2006 Berliner Informations-& Studienservice e.V. -
Stand: 05.12.08